
Dermatopathology and Beyond

At EIV Diagnostics, we provide global diagnostic services for a wide range of diseases--from tissue prep to histology report. We have a professional courier network for specimen pick-up, as well as air-courier services for overnight delivery of specimens to our facility.

We also offer slide preparation services for providers and researchers who prefer in-house diagnosis or are conducting research. In addition to this, we offer diagnostic services for slides prepared in outside labs.

Our histotechnicians are dedicated to quality and are highly skilled in the appropriate use of special stains and immunohistochemistry, when formulating diagnoses on difficult cases.

Providers are able to track the status of their specimens, from the moment they are picked up by the courier, to completion of the histology report.

Digital Pathology

Although the regulations surrounding interpretation of digitized histology slides vary from state to state, we provide high-quality digital pathology services for diagnosis, research, and teaching purposes. This shortens the turn-around time for labs waiting to receive their glass slides, so that they can make a quick preliminary diagnosis.

Confocal Microscopy

Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) is a diagnostic tool for cutaneous conditions that allows clinicians to visualize cellular details of the skin without the need for an invasive procedure. Using a painless laser (800 nm) to illuminate a small area of skin, light is reflected back to the detector through a pinhole, permitting passage of light from the in-focus field only. With this input, a computer generates a two-dimensional grayscale image that corresponds to an en face tissue section (ie. parallel to the skin surface). The contrast visualized by RCM is determined by the differential reflectance capability of various skin structures. The end result is an image of the epidermis and superficial dermis, with cellular resolution, obtained in vivo and in real time.

EIV Diagnostics offers 3 types of confocal microscopy services, each with corresponding CPT codes. Clinicians who own a confocal microscope can send their images to us for diagnosis, as they would traditionally send prepared histopathology glass slides. Alternatively, they can send a patient to our laboratory to image a lesion, and receive those images to diagnosis themselves, like traditional slide preparation services. Finally, they can use EIV Diagnostics for global diagnosis, which includes imaging of the lesion and generation of the final report.

To learn more about the services that we offer, please call (559) 777-7117 or reach out via the online contact form today.

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About Us

EIV Diagnostics is an independent pathology laboratory focused on leveraging technology to provide cost-effective, cutting-edge diagnostic services to dermatologists and other physicians in North America and across the globe.